Safe mobility control monitoring system

The system enables monitoring and control of road safety environment information with the help of citizen-participatory.

AI Drive - Vehicle monitoring system

The system enables monitoring and controlling logistic trucks and their road track and safety environment information with help of AI camera.

LVLUP.mn Online Fashion Shop

Fashion E-Commerce platform for all kinds of clothing sales

Trip Booking in ReactJS

Mini-Web-App for travel booking

Trip Booking in Symfony

Mini-Web-App for travel booking

SKYtel.mn official website

Official e-commerce website for the telco consumers

SKYtel.mn Android app

Official android app of the SKYtel.mn

Teacher's Pension Hybrid app v1.0

Hybrid Android app for Korean Teacher's pension

MAPPS.mn appstore

1st Mongolian Android appstore

CMS for LVLUP.mn

CMS for LVLUP.mn Fashion Platform

HADOMY v1.0 Big Log Data analyzer service

Big Log Data analyzer service based on Mapper and Reducer of Hadoop for resolving webpages